A Breathtaking Achievement: Our Bride's Image on an Indian Postal Stamp

In the realm of photography, there are moments that transcend the mere capture of an image. They become symbols of timeless beauty and emotions. For our team, one such moment recently unfolded, filling our hearts with immense pride and gratitude. We are thrilled to announce that the Government of India's Department of Post has chosen one of our exquisite bride images to be featured on a postal stamp, marking an extraordinary milestone in our journey.

The news was nothing short of exhilarating, as we learned that one of our bridal photographs had been selected for this prestigious honour. It is a momentous occasion, one that goes beyond our wildest dreams. We owe our deepest gratitude to the authorities for recognising our work and bestowing this incredible opportunity upon us.

This recognition stands as a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team. We have always strived to create photographs that transcend the ordinary and capture the true essence of our clients. From the candid smiles to the intricate details, our goal has been to encapsulate every moment of beauty and emotion.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Government of India's Department of Post for selecting our image, and we look forward to continuing our mission of creating stunning imagery that touches the hearts and minds of people all over the world. We are deeply grateful to all our followers and supporters who have been with us on this incredible journey. Your encouragement and appreciation have been our driving force, and we promise to continue sharing our passion for photography with you. This is a remarkable chapter in our story, and we're thrilled to have you as part of it. Thank you for your unwavering support, and here's to many more snapshots of joy and beauty!


An ode to the concept of soul mates: The love story of Aditi and Div


A match made in heaven: The fairytale love story of Shraddha and Ashwin